Recovery support and therapy unfold in the context of the unique relationship formed between the therapist and the client. Through a relationship of mutual trust and respect, the recovering client’s life can be opened to “more” — more life, more commitment to sobriety, more love, more thought, more reflection, more feeling, more choice, more fun. In embracing more, there also can be less — less symptoms, less conflict, less hurt, less discomfort, less yearning for alcohol or drugs.
Alcohol and substance abuse are soul-searing conditions that can tear at every aspect of an individual’s life, including body, mind, spirit, behavior. Putting the pieces back together after the acute phase of recovery is a journey we can share with clients.
You are not an alcoholic or drug abuser. You are an individual whose life experiences led you to use alcohol or drugs to cope with memories, thoughts, feelings, body sensations or challenges that seemed unbearable without the substance. We combine concrete methods of sustaining sobriety while identifying and addressing the conscious and unconscious reasons your addiction or misuse of substances began in the first place. Getting and staying sober is hard and we help you confront the challenge that presents to you.
We now know a lot about the various reasons and ways alcohol and drug abuse take hold. We understand that each person’s recovery is unique and we co-create with the client the approach to sustained sobriety likely to be most successful.
Alcohol and substance abuse recovery support requires knowledge of the science of addiction along with the artistry of applying that knowledge to work with the unique human client. Recovery support and therapy success depends in part on both the science and the art, the words and the music, the verbal and the non-verbal communications coming alive and becoming meaningful in the consultation room.
We work with you to determine if out-patient support and therapy fit your needs. If not, we can refer to in-patient facilities or intensive out-patient programs and welcome you back when you are ready for our services.
After getting to know you, we provide education, including recommended books, movies, online programs that augment our work and help you understand the nature of your alcohol or substance abuse. In doing so, we build on your motivation to stay sober.
As you come to understand more about the underlying factors leading to your abuse or addiction, we help you identify triggers causing you to want to use and, with you, develop coping mechanisms that reduce the odds of returning to alcohol or drugs to cope.
It is not unusual for a client who is committed to sobriety to relapse. If this happens, we will help you identify the reasons for relapse and restore more effective coping mechanisms.
We accompany you on a healing therapeutic journey to explore family and other relational dynamics, and to address co-existing psychological and emotional concerns. Above all, we listen closely and walk with you through the sometimes turbulent and always challenging journey to grow into a new life experience of sobriety.
Alcoholism and drug abuse affect others in the individual’s life, often causing pain, fear, shame, guilt, or a sense of helplessness. Members of our Alcohol and Substance Abuse Recovery Support and Psychotherapy Team often meet with family members or loved ones to provide psychoeducation about abuse and addiction and to counsel them about sound approaches to the individual who is drinking or using substances.