Teachers and other CMS employees experienced increased stress during the pandemic as they worked to meet the needs of our children.
The Rand Corporation 2021 State of the U.S. Teacher Survey found that:
When teachers are this stressed, school administrators, support staff, cafeteria workers, and custodial staff also feel the ripple effects.
CMS teachers and other personnel marshalled their patience, creativity, and endurance to provide effective learning and socio-emotional care to our kids under often kaleidoscopically changing school conditions. Presby Psych is giving back. Although the pandemic is waning, individuals involved in the educational system may experience stress-related symptoms and emotions for a long time.
Presby Psych offers free and financially assisted psychotherapy to all CMS employees. As a trauma-informed organization, we are sensitive to stress-related disorders and are able to listen to distressing stories without fear or excessive curiosity.
Sessions with CMS employees are confidential. We do not report information about our CMS clients to anyone else at CMS.